NeuroPlatform Steering Board

Senior investigator and chair
(KH, Maastricht UMC, TU/e, UZ Gent)

I am a clinical neuropsychologist and vice-chair of the R&D department of epilepsy centre Kempenhaeghe. I am also a professor of epileptology at Maastricht UMC and a professor of Imaging & Cognition at TU/e.

Senior investigator and co-chair
(UZ Gent, U Gent, KH, TU/e)

I am head of the neurology department at UZ Gent, director of the Institute for Neuroscience U Gent, head of the Laboratory for Clinical and Experimental Neurophysiology, Neurobiology and Neuropsychology (LCEN3), and director R&D at epilepsy centre Kempenhaeghe.

Senior investigator
(TU/e, KH, Philips Research)

I am the head of the Signal Processing Systems group at TU/e.

Professor and principal scientist
(TU/e, Philips Healthcare)

I am a professor at the Medical Image Analysis group, Biomedical Engineering department, TU/e, and a principal scientist at MR Clinical Science, Philips Healthcare.

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Marco Matters

(Philips Research)

I am a Director of New Business Development at Philips Research.

Sveta Zinger

Assistant professor

I am an assistant professor at TU/e, Signal Processing Systems group, Video Coding & Architectures lab.

Anton de Louw

Researcher, PhD supervisor
(KH, TU/e)

I am a neurologist at Kempenhaeghe and the medical director of the Academic Centre for Epileptology (ACE).

Rob Mestrom

Researcher, PhD supervisor

I am an assistant professor at the Electromagnetics group.

Evelien Carette

Clinical program director
(UZ Gent, U Gent, TU/e, KH)

I am the clinical coordinator of the NeuroPlatform program. Also, in Gent I am research coordinator at the Institute for Neuroscience, coordinator Center for Neurophyiological Monitoring and Laboratory for Clinical (CNM) and Experimental Neurophysiology, -biology and -psychology (LCEN3).

Jaap Jansen

Assistent professor

I am an assitant professor at the department of Radiology and Nuclear Medicine at Maastricht UMC.

Rolf Lamerichs

Senior investigator
(Philips Research)

I am a senior researcher at Philips Research.

Debby Klooster

Postdoctoral researcher
(TU/e, UZ Gent)

I am a researcher at the TU/e and UZ Gent.

Chris Baeken

Principal investigator
(UZ Gent)

I am a research professor of Psychiatry at UZ Gent.

Maarten Versluis

(Philips Healthcare)

I am a Senior Clinical Scientist, Neuroscience, at Philips Healthcare.

Hans van Dijk

Richard Lazeron

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Associate members

Radu Jasinchki

(Philips Research)

I am a senior research scientist at Philips Research.

Kristl Vonck

Senior investigator
(U Gent, UZ Gent)

I am a professor of neurology at UZ Gent.

Mykola Pechenizki


I am a professor at the department of Mathemathics and Computer Science at TU/e.

Rob Rouhl

Assistant professor

I am an assistant professor and neurologist at Maastricht UMC.

Peter de With


I am the head of the Video Coding and Analysis group at TU/e.

Regina de Luttge


I am a professor in Micro & Nano Engineering at TU/e.

Wytse Wadman

(Amsterdam University, U Gent)

I am a professor of Neuroscience at the Universities of Amsterdam and Gent.

Govert Hoogland

(Maastricht University)

I am a researcher at Maastricht University and the department of Neurosurgery of Maastricht UMC.

Marijke Miatton

(UZ Gent)

I am a neuropsychologist at UZ Gent.

Robrecht Raedt

(U Gent)

I am a professor of fundamental neuroscience at U Gent.

Paul van den Hof

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PhD students

Antoine Bernas


Field: dynamic fMRI analysis.

Elles Raaymakers


Field: effect of electromagnetic stimulation on neuronal microcircuits.

Maarten van Rossum


Field: electromagnetic field modelling to improve Transcranial Magnetic Stimulation (TMS) targeting.

Lisanne Breuer


PhD candidate and resident of neuropsychology.

Edo Grevers


PhD candidate and psychologist.

Gerald Drenthen


Sofie Carrette

(UZ Gent)

PhD candidate and neurologist-in-training.

Stephan Heunis


Negar Ahmadi

Charlotte Germonpre

(U Gent)

Lisanne Canjels


Angelique Rengers

Faroegh Ramsaransing

Jesper Pilmeyer

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